use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::core::geometry::{
bnd3_expand, bnd3_union_bnd3f, nrm_abs_dot_vec3f, nrm_cross_vec3, nrm_dot_nrmf,
pnt3_distance_squaredf, pnt3_distancef, pnt3_lerp, vec2_dotf, vec3_coordinate_system,
use crate::core::geometry::{Bounds3f, Normal3f, Point2f, Point3f, Ray, Vector2f, Vector3f};
use crate::core::interaction::{Interaction, InteractionCommon, SurfaceInteraction};
use crate::core::material::Material;
use crate::core::paramset::ParamSet;
use crate::core::pbrt::Float;
use crate::core::pbrt::{clamp_t, float_to_bits, lerp};
use crate::core::shape::Shape;
use crate::core::transform::Transform;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum CurveType {
pub struct CurveCommon {
pub curve_type: CurveType,
pub cp_obj: [Point3f; 4],
pub width: [Float; 2],
pub n: [Normal3f; 2],
pub normal_angle: Float,
pub inv_sin_normal_angle: Float,
impl CurveCommon {
pub fn new(
c: &[Point3f; 4],
width0: Float,
width1: Float,
curve_type: CurveType,
norm: Option<[Normal3f; 2]>,
) -> Self {
if let Some(norm) = norm {
let n0: Normal3f = norm[0].normalize();
let n1: Normal3f = norm[1].normalize();
let normal_angle: Float =
clamp_t(nrm_dot_nrmf(&n0, &n1), 0.0 as Float, 1.0 as Float).acos();
let inv_sin_normal_angle: Float = 1.0 as Float / normal_angle.sin();
CurveCommon {
cp_obj: [c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]],
width: [width0, width1],
n: [n0, n1],
} else {
CurveCommon {
cp_obj: [c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]],
width: [width0, width1],
n: [Normal3f::default(); 2],
normal_angle: 0.0 as Float,
inv_sin_normal_angle: 0.0 as Float,
pub struct Curve {
pub common: Arc<CurveCommon>,
pub u_min: Float,
pub u_max: Float,
pub object_to_world: Transform,
pub world_to_object: Transform,
pub reverse_orientation: bool,
pub transform_swaps_handedness: bool,
pub material: Option<Arc<Material>>,
impl Curve {
pub fn new(
object_to_world: Transform,
world_to_object: Transform,
reverse_orientation: bool,
common: Arc<CurveCommon>,
u_min: Float,
u_max: Float,
) -> Self {
Curve {
transform_swaps_handedness: object_to_world.swaps_handedness(),
material: None,
pub fn create(
o2w: Transform,
w2o: Transform,
reverse_orientation: bool,
c: &[Point3f; 4],
w0: Float,
w1: Float,
curve_type: CurveType,
norm: Option<[Normal3f; 2]>,
split_depth: i32,
) -> Vec<Arc<Shape>> {
let common: Arc<CurveCommon> = Arc::new(CurveCommon::new(c, w0, w1, curve_type, norm));
let n_segments: usize = 1_usize << split_depth;
let mut segments: Vec<Arc<Shape>> = Vec::with_capacity(n_segments);
for i in 0..n_segments {
let u_min: Float = i as Float / n_segments as Float;
let u_max: Float = (i + 1) as Float / n_segments as Float;
let curve: Arc<Shape> = Arc::new(Shape::Crv(Curve::new(
pub fn recursive_intersect(
ray: &Ray,
cp: &[Point3f; 4],
ray_to_object: &Transform,
u0: Float,
u1: Float,
depth: i32,
t_hit: &mut Float,
_isect: &mut SurfaceInteraction,
) -> bool {
let ray_length: Float = ray.d.length();
if depth > 0_i32 {
let mut cp_split: [Point3f; 7] = [Point3f::default(); 7];
subdivide_bezier(cp, &mut cp_split);
let u: [Float; 3] = [u0, (u0 + u1) / 2.0 as Float, u1];
for seg in 0..2 {
let cps: &[Point3f] = &cp_split[seg * 3..seg * 3 + 4];
let max_width: Float = lerp(u[seg], self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1])
.max(lerp(u[seg + 1], self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]));
if cps[0].y.max(cps[1].y).max(cps[2].y.max(cps[3].y)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width
< 0.0 as Float
|| cps[0].y.min(cps[1].y).min(cps[2].y.min(cps[3].y)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width
> 0.0 as Float
if cps[0].x.max(cps[1].x).max(cps[2].x.max(cps[3].x)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width
< 0.0 as Float
|| cps[0].x.min(cps[1].x).min(cps[2].x.min(cps[3].x)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width
> 0.0 as Float
let z_max: Float = ray_length * ray.t_max.get();
if cps[0].z.max(cps[1].z).max(cps[2].z.max(cps[3].z)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width
< 0.0 as Float
|| cps[0].z.min(cps[1].z).min(cps[2].z.min(cps[3].z)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width
> z_max
if self.recursive_intersect(
&[cps[0], cps[1], cps[2], cps[3]],
u[seg + 1],
depth - 1,
) {
if *t_hit == 0.0 as Float {
return true;
} else {
let mut edge: Float = (cp[1].y - cp[0].y) * -cp[0].y + cp[0].x * (cp[0].x - cp[1].x);
if edge < 0.0 as Float {
return false;
edge = (cp[2].y - cp[3].y) * -cp[3].y + cp[3].x * (cp[3].x - cp[2].x);
if edge < 0.0 as Float {
return false;
let segment_direction: Vector2f = Point2f {
x: cp[3].x,
y: cp[3].y,
} - Point2f {
x: cp[0].x,
y: cp[0].y,
let denom: Float = segment_direction.length_squared();
if denom == 0.0 as Float {
return false;
let w: Float = vec2_dotf(
&-Vector2f {
x: cp[0].x,
y: cp[0].y,
) / denom;
let u: Float = clamp_t(lerp(w, u0, u1), u0, u1);
let mut hit_width: Float = lerp(u, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]);
let mut n_hit: Normal3f = Normal3f::default();
if self.common.curve_type == CurveType::Ribbon {
let sin0: Float = ((1.0 as Float - u) * self.common.normal_angle).sin()
* self.common.inv_sin_normal_angle;
let sin1: Float =
(u * self.common.normal_angle).sin() * self.common.inv_sin_normal_angle;
n_hit = self.common.n[0] * sin0 + self.common.n[1] * sin1;
hit_width *= nrm_abs_dot_vec3f(&n_hit, &ray.d) / ray_length;
let mut dpcdw: Vector3f = Vector3f::default();
let pc: Point3f =
eval_bezier(cp, clamp_t(w, 0.0 as Float, 1.0 as Float), Some(&mut dpcdw));
let pt_curve_dist2: Float = pc.x * pc.x + pc.y * pc.y;
if pt_curve_dist2 > hit_width * hit_width * 0.25 as Float {
return false;
let z_max: Float = ray_length * ray.t_max.get();
if pc.z < 0.0 as Float || pc.z > z_max {
return false;
let pt_curve_dist: Float = pt_curve_dist2.sqrt();
let edge_func: Float = dpcdw.x * -pc.y + pc.x * dpcdw.y;
let v: Float = if edge_func > 0.0 as Float {
0.5 as Float + pt_curve_dist / hit_width
} else {
0.5 as Float - pt_curve_dist / hit_width
*t_hit = pc.z / ray_length;
let p_error: Vector3f = Vector3f {
x: 2.0 as Float * hit_width,
y: 2.0 as Float * hit_width,
z: 2.0 as Float * hit_width,
let mut dpdu: Vector3f = Vector3f::default();
let dpdv: Vector3f;
eval_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, u, Some(&mut dpdu));
if self.common.curve_type == CurveType::Ribbon {
dpdv = nrm_cross_vec3(&n_hit, &dpdu).normalize() * hit_width;
} else {
let dpdu_plane: Vector3f =
let mut dpdv_plane: Vector3f = Vector3f {
x: -dpdu_plane.y,
y: dpdu_plane.x,
z: 0.0,
* hit_width;
if self.common.curve_type == CurveType::Cylinder {
let theta: Float = lerp(v, -90.0 as Float, 90.0 as Float);
let rot: Transform = Transform::rotate(-theta, &dpdu_plane);
dpdv_plane = rot.transform_vector(&dpdv_plane);
dpdv = ray_to_object.transform_vector(&dpdv_plane);
let mut si: SurfaceInteraction = SurfaceInteraction::new(
Point2f { x: u, y: v },
self.object_to_world.transform_surface_interaction(&mut si);
pub fn object_bound(&self) -> Bounds3f {
let mut cp_obj: [Point3f; 4] = [Point3f::default(); 4];
cp_obj[0] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_min);
cp_obj[1] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_max);
cp_obj[2] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_max, self.u_max);
cp_obj[3] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_max, self.u_max, self.u_max);
let b: Bounds3f = bnd3_union_bnd3f(
&Bounds3f::new(cp_obj[0], cp_obj[1]),
&Bounds3f::new(cp_obj[2], cp_obj[3]),
let width: [Float; 2] = [
lerp(self.u_min, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]),
lerp(self.u_max, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]),
bnd3_expand(&b, width[0].max(width[1]) * 0.5 as Float)
pub fn world_bound(&self) -> Bounds3f {
pub fn intersect(&self, r: &Ray, t_hit: &mut Float, isect: &mut SurfaceInteraction) -> bool {
let mut o_err: Vector3f = Vector3f::default();
let mut d_err: Vector3f = Vector3f::default();
let ray: Ray = self
.transform_ray_with_error(r, &mut o_err, &mut d_err);
let mut cp_obj: [Point3f; 4] = [Point3f::default(); 4];
cp_obj[0] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_min);
cp_obj[1] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_max);
cp_obj[2] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_max, self.u_max);
cp_obj[3] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_max, self.u_max, self.u_max);
let mut dx: Vector3f = vec3_cross_vec3(&ray.d, &(cp_obj[3] - cp_obj[0]));
if dx.length_squared() == 0.0 as Float {
let mut dy: Vector3f = Vector3f::default();
vec3_coordinate_system(&ray.d, &mut dx, &mut dy);
let object_to_ray: Transform = Transform::look_at(&ray.o, &(ray.o + ray.d), &dx);
let cp: [Point3f; 4] = [
let max_width: Float = lerp(self.u_min, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1])
.max(lerp(self.u_max, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]));
if cp[0].y.max(cp[1].y).max(cp[2].y.max(cp[3].y)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width < 0.0 as Float
|| cp[0].y.min(cp[1].y).min(cp[2].y.min(cp[3].y)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width
> 0.0 as Float
return false;
if cp[0].x.max(cp[1].x).max(cp[2].x.max(cp[3].x)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width < 0.0 as Float
|| cp[0].x.min(cp[1].x).min(cp[2].x.min(cp[3].x)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width
> 0.0 as Float
return false;
let ray_length: Float = ray.d.length();
let z_max: Float = ray_length * ray.t_max.get();
if cp[0].z.max(cp[1].z).max(cp[2].z.max(cp[3].z)) + 0.5 as Float * max_width < 0.0 as Float
|| cp[0].z.min(cp[1].z).min(cp[2].z.min(cp[3].z)) - 0.5 as Float * max_width > z_max
return false;
let mut l0: Float = 0.0 as Float;
for i in 0..2 {
l0 = l0.max(
(cp[i].x - 2.0 as Float * cp[i + 1].x + cp[i + 2].x)
.max((cp[i].y - 2.0 as Float * cp[i + 1].y + cp[i + 2].y).abs())
.max((cp[i].z - 2.0 as Float * cp[i + 1].z + cp[i + 2].z).abs()),
let eps: Float = self.common.width[0].max(self.common.width[1]) * 0.05 as Float;
let r0: i32 =
log2(std::f32::consts::SQRT_2 as Float * 6.0 as Float * l0 / (8.0 as Float * eps))
/ 2_i32;
let max_depth: i32 = clamp_t(r0, 0_i32, 10_i32);
&[cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[3]],
pub fn intersect_p(&self, r: &Ray) -> bool {
let mut t_hit: Float = 0.0;
let mut isect_light: SurfaceInteraction = SurfaceInteraction::default();
self.intersect(r, &mut t_hit, &mut isect_light)
pub fn get_reverse_orientation(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_transform_swaps_handedness(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_object_to_world(&self) -> Transform {
pub fn area(&self) -> Float {
let mut cp_obj: [Point3f; 4] = [Point3f::default(); 4];
cp_obj[0] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_min);
cp_obj[1] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_min, self.u_max);
cp_obj[2] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_min, self.u_max, self.u_max);
cp_obj[3] = blossom_bezier(&self.common.cp_obj, self.u_max, self.u_max, self.u_max);
let width0: Float = lerp(self.u_min, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]);
let width1: Float = lerp(self.u_max, self.common.width[0], self.common.width[1]);
let avg_width: Float = (width0 + width1) * 0.5 as Float;
let mut approx_length: Float = 0.0 as Float;
for i in 0..3 {
approx_length += pnt3_distancef(&cp_obj[i], &cp_obj[i + 1]);
approx_length * avg_width
pub fn sample(&self, _u: Point2f, _pdf: &mut Float) -> InteractionCommon {
println!("FATAL: Curve::sample not implemented.");
pub fn sample_with_ref_point(
iref: &InteractionCommon,
u: Point2f,
pdf: &mut Float,
) -> InteractionCommon {
let intr: InteractionCommon = self.sample(u, pdf);
let mut wi: Vector3f = intr.p - iref.p;
if wi.length_squared() == 0.0 as Float {
*pdf = 0.0 as Float;
} else {
wi = wi.normalize();
*pdf *= pnt3_distance_squaredf(&iref.p, &intr.p) / nrm_abs_dot_vec3f(&intr.n, &-wi);
if (*pdf).is_infinite() {
*pdf = 0.0 as Float;
pub fn pdf_with_ref_point(&self, iref: &dyn Interaction, wi: &Vector3f) -> Float {
let ray: Ray = iref.spawn_ray(wi);
let mut t_hit: Float = 0.0;
let mut isect_light: SurfaceInteraction = SurfaceInteraction::default();
if self.intersect(&ray, &mut t_hit, &mut isect_light) {
let mut pdf: Float = pnt3_distance_squaredf(iref.get_p(), &isect_light.common.p)
/ (nrm_abs_dot_vec3f(&isect_light.common.n, &-(*wi)) * self.area());
if pdf.is_infinite() {
pdf = 0.0 as Float;
} else {
0.0 as Float
pub fn create_curve_shape(
o2w: &Transform,
w2o: &Transform,
reverse_orientation: bool,
params: &ParamSet,
) -> Vec<Arc<Shape>> {
let width: Float = params.find_one_float("width", 1.0 as Float);
let width0: Float = params.find_one_float("width0", width);
let width1: Float = params.find_one_float("width1", width);
let cp = params.find_point3f("P");
if cp.len() != 4_usize {
"Must provide 4 control points for \"curve\" primitive. ((Provided {:?}).",
let curve_type_string: String = params.find_one_string("type", String::from("flat"));
let mut curve_type: CurveType = CurveType::Flat;
if curve_type_string == "flat" {
curve_type = CurveType::Flat;
} else if curve_type_string == "ribbon" {
curve_type = CurveType::Ribbon;
} else if curve_type_string == "cylinder" {
curve_type = CurveType::Cylinder;
} else {
"ERROR: Unknown curve type \"{:?}\". Using \"flat\".",
let mut n: Vec<Normal3f> = params.find_normal3f("N");
if !n.is_empty() {
if curve_type_string != "ribbon" {
println!("WARNING: Curve normals are only used with \"ribbon\" type curves.");
n = Vec::new();
} else if n.len() != 2_usize {
"Must provide two normals with \"N\" parameter for ribbon curves. (Provided {:?}).",
let sd: i32 = params.find_one_int("splitdepth", 3_i32);
if curve_type == CurveType::Ribbon && n.is_empty() {
panic!("Must provide normals \"N\" at curve endpoints with ribbon curves.");
if n.is_empty() {
&[cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[3]],
} else {
&[cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[3]],
Some([n[0], n[1]]),
fn blossom_bezier(p: &[Point3f; 4], u0: Float, u1: Float, u2: Float) -> Point3f {
let a: [Point3f; 3] = [
pnt3_lerp(u0, &p[0], &p[1]),
pnt3_lerp(u0, &p[1], &p[2]),
pnt3_lerp(u0, &p[2], &p[3]),
let b: [Point3f; 2] = [pnt3_lerp(u1, &a[0], &a[1]), pnt3_lerp(u1, &a[1], &a[2])];
pnt3_lerp(u2, &b[0], &b[1])
fn subdivide_bezier(cp: &[Point3f; 4], cp_split: &mut [Point3f; 7]) {
cp_split[0] = cp[0];
cp_split[1] = (cp[0] + cp[1]) / 2.0 as Float;
cp_split[2] = (cp[0] + cp[1] * 2.0 as Float + cp[2]) / 4.0 as Float;
cp_split[3] = (cp[0] + cp[1] * 3.0 as Float + cp[2] * 3.0 as Float + cp[3]) / 8.0 as Float;
cp_split[4] = (cp[1] + cp[2] * 2.0 as Float + cp[3]) / 4.0 as Float;
cp_split[5] = (cp[2] + cp[3]) / 2.0 as Float;
cp_split[6] = cp[3];
fn eval_bezier(cp: &[Point3f; 4], u: Float, deriv: Option<&mut Vector3f>) -> Point3f {
let cp1: [Point3f; 3] = [
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp[0], &cp[1]),
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp[1], &cp[2]),
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp[2], &cp[3]),
let cp2: [Point3f; 2] = [
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp1[0], &cp1[1]),
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp1[1], &cp1[2]),
if let Some(deriv) = deriv {
*deriv = (cp2[1] - cp2[0]) * 3.0 as Float;
pnt3_lerp(u, &cp2[0], &cp2[1])
fn log2(v: Float) -> i32 {
if v < 1.0 as Float {
return 0_i32;
let bits: i32 = float_to_bits(v) as i32;
let one_or_zero = if (1 << 22) > 0 { 1_i32 } else { 0_i32 };
(bits >> 23) - 127 + (bits & one_or_zero)