Curriculum Vitae (as PDF) - short German version
Software (Windows .msi installers)
Free Books
Privacy-Handbuch - German
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - SICP
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming - not free, but maybe the next SICP?
The principal programming paradigms - The chart classifies programming paradigms according to their kernel languages
Why Rust? from [O’Reilly] (
Non-Free Books
Rust Documentation
Scenes (in Blender’s file format are in repository on GitHub)
Art Gallery (textures - (24-02-2016))
Salle de bain (textures - (05-03-2015))
Arnold (17-03-2015)
Cycles (18-02-2015)
LuxCoreRender (11-04-2018)
Luxrender (17-03-2015)
mental ray (26-11-2014)
PRMan (19-08-2016)
Radiance (12-12-2015)
Arnold (07-08-2015)
Cycles (07-08-2015)
Indigo (PIGS) (07-08-2015)
Luxrender (07-08-2015)
mental ray (25-11-2014)
PRMan (06-08-2015)
Radiance (24-11-2015)
Cycles (14-09-2015)
Indigo (PIGS) (14-09-2015)
Luxrender (14-09-2015)
Radiance (21-12-2015)
Arnold (17-12-2015)
Cycles (17-12-2015)
Indigo (PIGS) (22-12-2015)
Luxrender (18-12-2015)
Attic (textures - (22-07-2016))
Arnold (22-07-2016)
Cycles (07-09-2016)
Guerilla (15-09-2016)
Indigo (PIGS) (27-10-2016)
Luxrender (22-07-2016) - for Windows users (including textures) (22-07-2016)
PRMan (30-08-2016)
Radiance (14-07-2016)
Breakfast (textures - (20-12-2017))
appleseed (28-03-2018)
Cycles (20-12-2017)
LuxCoreRender (09-04-2018)
PBRT (20-12-2017)
Blender scene (04-08-2015)
Blurred 2k textures (04-08-2015)
simple_house_baked_1k (04-08-2015)
simple_house_baked_2k (04-08-2015)
simple_house_baked_2k_blurred (04-08-2015)
PBRT - slighlty modified versions from Benedikt Bitterli’s Rendering Resources
Japanese Classroom (09-01-2018)
Country Kitchen (09-01-2018)
The White Room (09-01-2018)
The Wooden Staircase (09-01-2018)