Conference Room: First Results for Rust version of PBRT

14 Sep 2017

We have seen the Conference Room scene before (in other posts). It was originally created for Radiance. The room does (or at least did) exist in reality and was painstakingly measured and re-created in a text editor (vi). See README file and credits in the repository, where I keep my test scenes in various formats.

Here are the first results for the Rust version of the PBRT renderer:

Room rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 1).

Conference Room
rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 2).

Room rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 3).

Conference Room
rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 4).

Conference Room
rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 5).

One last thing to mention is that right now the C++ version and the Rust version differ a bit in rendering the plastic chairs. Here the C++ version of the first image:

Conference Room
rendered by Rust version of PBRT (camera 5).

And the resulting difference image (create via imf_diff):

Difference between the Rust and C++ implementation.

The difference is most likely caused by the roughness value (being different from zero) in the plastic material of some parts being used for the chairs.

  # black_mat
  MakeNamedMaterial "black_mat"
    "string type" [ "plastic" ]
    "color Kd" [ 0.05 0.05 0.05 ]
    "color Ks" [ 0.01 0.01 0.01 ]
    "float roughness" [ 0.1 ]

This will be fixed in the next release.

The PBRT file (including all cameras) for this scene can be found in the download section.