Recently I worked a bit on the exporter for Radiance files. Traditionally my first test scenes came from the Radiance book. After that I was digging a bit through some models from the Radiance gallery site.
Starting from the Salle de bain scene I was looking for other sources to get some test scenes and found some on Blend Swap:
The current state of the Radiance exporter can’t export textures (yet), but we can export the scene for Radiance and render it:
Other examples I recently converted to Radiance originally come from lighting challenges on the web site. Here some examples:
The last example I want to show here (again without textures) is from the Blender’s web site demo files:
The original scene rendered by Cycles using some compositing looks like this:
You can download the Radiance files (and the same scene for other renderers) here.